Big Blue

Big Blue

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Infamous RV Hall of fame

We made a point of visiting the RV hall of Fame in Elkhart IN since we were already in the neighborhood- besides, Alan wanted to go there before they close down.....

OK, so they claim their financial troubles are over.... but it was pretty obvious how they got in trouble in the first place...Very Fancy, way over sized building... lots of wasted unuseable space...  not even any dedicated RV parking for visitors! The car parking areas were almost empty, so taking up a bunch of spaces wasn't a problem...
The library (?) was gigantic and mostly empty and not cataloged... but they did have a lot of pictures of old guys on the walls in the hallways.... We didn't see anyone looking at them though...

The best feature was the exhibit of old RVs- a few were significant, most were loaned by their owners..(RVr'are always looking for free parking..)  Some cool old rigs, some strange unique efforts and some ordinary older units.  The exhibit with New Rigs contained a half dozen ordinary trailers or fifth wheels.... I suspect the manufacturers paid to display them... A waste of good  exhibit space. They should expand the old RV section and do away with the new rigs...

We would like to see the Hall survive, but if the same guys who conceived the idea (a good idea)  and build it (wrong building) are in charge of running it now,  then it will likely go the way of many former RV manufacturers- out of business.

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